Umbra witch symbols
Umbra witch symbols

Have you ever seen one up close or dealt with one?”įather Raphael knew better not to lie, “unfortunately, no. They made their choice.” Father Raphael explains.īain nodded in agreement, “so killing the Umbra Witches is a true testament of your holy message. We don’t have time to wait out the weeds. And these so-called fakes? They deserve to die just like the real ones. They are beyond saving, and they should be dispatched on sight and dealt with at a moment’s notice. As hypocritical as it sounds, these Umbra Witches don’t have wives anymore as they have sold their souls to the devil. Everyone deserves to live and have a purpose. Is nothing special or cool about any of them? The devil is supposed to deceive the weak minds of others because they feel they have nowhere to belong. To give a part of himself to their supposed God- who let’s just put it out there, the devil. But Bain and Raphael were good friends before he even took the holy cloth, so he indeed trusts him. This led to some easiness between the two because Bain didn’t care much about the holy circle’s machinations and personal goals. “What do you want with the Umbra Witch? Besides having her all to herself?” Bain asked. They are getting good hiding from us…” Father Raphael fretted. “Many would say it is your God-given right to take what is rightfully yours! Out of those 53 girls, only one Umbra Witch remained among them, according to our research. “Whoever said that enjoying such spoils of war was sinful, to begin with?” Father Raphael was contradicting his beliefs. I do have a few confessions to make,” Bain deadpans as Father Raphael giggled. “And I bet you enjoyed every single one of them…” Father Raphael teased with a sinful smile. Out of those, 53 women were only 20 adults,” Bain thoroughly answered. At least 53 were female the rest were male. How many were in that town, to begin with?” Father Raphael said with such curiosity. “I heard you went back and torched that whole town to find that prisoner again. Father Raphael took off his robe to reveal his slim yet muscular physique as he wore a tight white skirt and a sleeveless button-down blue shirt with matching slippers. And, of course, Bain was carrying two 9 mm pistols. It was all paid for by his Holy Mother.Īs Bain closed the door behind him, they were both met by two incredibly male buff bodyguards that searched for weapons. It had everything that a man of faith but wants: a fireplace, a king-size bed, a working table, a walk-in closet, hardwood floors with expensive rugs, plush furniture, and of course, soundproof walls for any … screaming that takes place inside these chambers. “No matter, come to my chambers.” He flirtatiously beckons.īain follows Father Raphael upstairs and down the hall to his right as they both went into his spacious bedroom. “Well, I guess you didn’t beat it out of her, now did you?” Father Raphael joyfully deadpans. “Do you mean if we fucked her, then no? We would know if she were a virgin when we do the ceremony,” Bain answered. Did you at least do your research on her?” “We will make the proper arrangements for the ceremony. “I heard there was another woman who had a daughter… Was she dealt with?” Father Raphael asked with more wonderment and curiosity.įather Raphael shrugged, “well, I guess one is better than none…” Then Father Raphael snapped his fingers as his bodyguards carried the Umbra Witch away. Then Father Raphael gently poked the Umbra Witch with his shoe, “is she dead?”īain smiled as he rose to his feet, “barely.” “Father Raphael, we have found the prisoner that escaped us recently.” On bended knee, Bain swore his allegiance. Of course, he plopped it over at Father Raphael’s feet in too much amazement. The man in black was seen dragging a supposed female with a burlap bag over her head. Then suddenly, one of his young maids sporting a black eye cautiously approached him, “m-my Lord, a man named Bain is here to see you-”įather Raphael wasted no time while pushing the young maid out of the way to meet with him downstairs.īain entered Father Raphael’s living quarters Father Raphael as he was still wearing the same black trench coat from the nights before. He needs to find this prisoner and fast while still kicking himself by not beating a name out of her.

umbra witch symbols

And sure as hell, he doesn’t want Lord Caliber to get any more ammunition. He couldn’t let the other horseman find out or, even worse, the Holy Mother. Even when the live streaming of the prisoner was botched, Bain would’ve called him immediately or would’ve picked up the phone. This is indeed serious, as he would’ve called.

umbra witch symbols

He even started biting his nails that he cost a fortune on. It has been two days, and Father Raphael was in his mansion worrying himself sick.

Umbra witch symbols